Thor’s Hammers

Simply by clicking a button on the handle of the hammer, the designated “worthy wielder” could then release the wires and freely use the hammer. 

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Time requiered

Summoning Thor’s Hammer: 

Using a light weight Thor’s hammer and some incredible programming and mechanical engineering, the team created an “AI” workspace where anyone who raised their hand could “summon” the hammer to them. To get the hammer around the room, a series of thin wires were attached to computer controlled winches. When the “AI” program saw a hand raised, it would raise or lower the winch wires in 3 dimensions in order to pull or push the hammer in the right direction toward the open hand. 

Simply by clicking a button on the handle of the hammer, the designated “worthy wielder” could then release the wires and freely use the hammer. 

The hammer could even navigate around to multiple wielders in a relatively small space. We then tested the hammer’s destructive power by winching it around the shop and smashing into various things while the humans hid nearby behind cover. 

Electromag hammer: 

By embedding a powerful electromagnet in the top of the hammer, James was able to create a version of Thor’s iconic hammer that was impossible to lift with even a superhuman amount of strength (when attached to a magnetic metal surface, of course). 

Using a specially designed ring, James was then able to turn the magnet off and on and prove himself “worthy” to lift the hammer which of course weighed only a few pounds in reality (without the magnet turned on). 

Even incredibly strong people were unable to make the hammer budge at all with the magnet enabled. [It was around 240KG of direct upward forward to break the magnetic field. That’s around 530 pounds!] So while it’s possible that the strongest men in the world might stand a chance, this would be quite dangerous to test as once lifted off a metal surface, the magnetic hammer would immediately lose 90%+ of its weight and go hurtling upward. 

World’s Largest Thor’s Hammer: 

This record breaking giant hammer cost over $100,000 to build and was enormously fun to create! 

The first step was 3D modeling in Solidworks, then we took a huge amount of sheet steel and laser cut it to precise dimensions to create a “metal mesh that would form the body of the hammer. From there, we had our entire team AND a professional welder weld up the sheets of steel into one cohesive hammer. 

After finishing off the welded joints, we added a gigantic steel cylinder to form the handle. 

From there, we took the hammer to a metallurgy facility and got it dipped in zinc for added weight, strength, and durability. The process of zinc dipping unfortunately caused more zinc to build up around the welded seams, so to compensate for this and make the hammer look even better, we added a bunch of freshly laser cut filigree elements to the sides to help hide the seams and finish off the look of the hammer itself.  

After more grinding, finishing, and painting… the hammer looked incredible! So all we had to do to complete the project was wrap the handle in weather-proof leather and more custom metal elements. 

All told, the hammer weighs over 2 tons! [around 5000 lbs]  

It was then dropped on a variety of things from a great height via crane, creating an incredible video showcase:

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